Welcome to Wellesley Chinese Language School

2024-2025 After School Program Class Offering

周一/Mon 周二/Tue 周三/Wed 周四/Thu 周五/Fri
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:00-3:00 Outside sports/Circle time
3:30-4:25 Chinese Chinese Chinese Music Dancing Class
4:35-5:30 Calligraphy Math Art Chinese Chinese
5:30-6:00 Pick up Pick up Pick up Pick up Pick up

WCLS Afterschool Program will be
in person for 2024-2025 school year.

Monday 3:00-6:00
Tuesday 3:00-6:00
Wednesday 12:00-6:00
Thursday 3:00-6:00
Friday 3:00-6:00

We follow Wellesley Public School

Our Programs

Be sure to check out our weekday program WCEA!

Afterschool Program

Sunday Classes

School Vacation Programs

Our Sponsors

Wellesley Chinese Language School